The girls had been up from nap much earlier than usual, since we got a doctor appointment at 2:30 yesterday. After bath time, Kyrene burst out in a little short tantrum, when I tried to feed her some peaches. I just had to take the picture since this has been her newfound "skill" of dramatically throwing herself on the floor and crying the saddest cry.
Yesterday's appointment was quite an episode for Hannah. And...we couldn't tell her much earlier to prepare her, since it would only build up her anxiety level. She was a happy camper, thinking it was Kyrene who needed the doctor, until it was her turn for checkup. Then, much tears and screaming ensued, which basically said "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!!"
All the while, Kyrene trotted happily around the room while waiting and then let the doc did whatever needed to be done.
Weigh in? Happily sitting up in the scale for you! Need to listen to my heart? Look into my ears? Have your way! Shots? Naaahhhh....only felt like a pinch.
It's quite "entertaining" to see how my girls are so different from each other. Certainly, my life would get too boring if they're too much the same.
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