The day was full and satisfying, starting with quite a busy morning in the kitchen. I was fixing potato/egg salad, baking cherries coffee cake, and canning cherry preserves.

My dad was the master cherry pitter.

Cherries Coffee Cake, from Cooking Light
Then we all headed out to John Collins Park in East Grand Rapids for July 4th Celebration. I also need to note what a nice, breezy day it was. In fact, this summer has been unseasonably cool. We've been getting low 70's day and mid 50's night, which is a grand treat after living in the humid and sticky summer in the South.
We laid out our food, enjoyed feast of hot chicken wings, chicken mozarella sausages, and potato salad. The fireworks came around 10 p.m. Hannah loved the first few parts of it, but as the sound got louder and the fireworks got grander, she was not fond of it at all. She spent most of the time sitting in my lap, with her head turned the other way. Maybe next year...
Kyrene on the other hand, sat in my mom's lap the whole time and just enjoy it beyond measure. She was just totally captivated, saying "more more!" whenever there was a few seconds break in between, and just saying "wow".

Leaving the park at almost 11 at night, tired but happy. Happy to be spending time together, but especially grateful for the opportunity to live in this country. When I heard the band playing Star Spangled Banner, I couldn't help but felt a bit of warm tinge in my eyes. As an immigrant who was given the privilege of living here, I am immensely thankful for all the things this country is all about.